Education Scholarship Fund

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The Region 13 Education Scholarship program was established to provide scholarships to deserving North by Northwest Region 13 members who are seeking educational opportunities offered by Region 13 or Sweet Adelines International (SAI)  registration fees, materials, and/or tools offered. The application schedule is:

  • May 15 for opportunities offered from July to December of the current calendar year.
  • November 15 for opportunities offered January to June of the next calendar year.
  • Extensions of scholarship awards may be approved for extenuating circumstances.

Applicants must be an active member (includes Chapter At Large) or director affiliate member in good standing of North by Northwest Region 13 and Sweet Adelines International. Applicants will be asked to provide a report following use of the scholarship, explaining how it was used and the benefits received. Contact Sandy Smith for more information.

NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

We serve our members by providing leadership, education, and information. 

Our vision for Region 13
With strong leaders at all levels, we are a thriving, diverse, and inclusive region that builds a community of singers throughout the region and beyond. 

You can download the definition statement for our values here.

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