2019 Regional Convention

The 62nd North by Northwest Region 13 Convention and Contests was held April 4-6, 2019 in Spokane, Washington! We had three amazing days together, fill with exciting events, joyous celebrations, and two great contests. 

Congratulations to all the women and men who crossed the stage!  

Quartets  /  Official Quartet Score Sheet  /  Quartet YouTube videos

   •   1st:  Wink (622)
   •   2nd:  Fourcast (609)
   •   3rd:  Vocalocity (603)
   •   4th: Riot (584)
   •   5th: Happenstance (584)

   •   Bravo Award: Up to Something
   •   Most Improved Quartet: The Beat (+48 points)
   •   Novice Quartet: Clover

Choruses  /  Official Chorus Score Sheet   /  Chorus YouTube Videos

   •   1st:  Pride of Portland (678)
   •   2nd: Spirit of Spokane (598)
   •   3rd: Northwest Harmony (579) 
   •   4th: Voices Northwest (562)
   •   5th: Olympia (556)

Division AA (31-60 singers)

   •   1st:  Spirit of Spokane (598)
   •   2nd: Northwest Harmony (579) 
   •   3rd: Voices Northwest (562) 

Division A (15-30 singers)

   •   1st: Rolling Hills (555)
   •   2nd: Five Valley (524)
   •   3rd: Sound Harmony (516)

   •   Audience Choice Chorus: Song of Seattle
   •   Most Improved Chorus: Sound Harmony 
   •   Novice Director: Rachel Pack, Jet Cities Chorus

Honoring our 50-year members

In 1969 these seven amazing women joined Sweet Adelines International, and we honor them for their contributions over the years! 

KAREN  BYINGTON: Karen joined Lewis and Clark Chorus in 1969.  The Chorus later changed its name to Inland Harmony in the 1990s.  She was a director for 25 years, and sang lead and baritone.  Karen has been a member of the same chorus for 50 years!

HARRIET GOGLIN: Harriet says, "It has been a joy to have learned and grown with the changes and development of our musical style over the years.  Serving on many committees and activities including 40 years of costume designing has been a real pleasure!" 

NANCY KURTH: Nancy started her Sweet Adeline experience as a member of the St Joseph Chorus in St Joseph, MO in January of 1969.   The last 21 years of her membership have been in Oregon where she has served in Leadership roles at Chorus and Regional levels and as a Regional Faculty member.  Nancy has four first place quartet medals singing both lead and baritone.  She is currently the Director of Northwest Harmony Chorus, a member of Pride of Portland Chorus, and bass of Rave quartet. DOTTIE DEDRICK: Dottie says, "I joined Sweet Adelines in 1969 with the Greater Tacoma Chorus.  I am a charter member and the immediate past team leader for Pacific Sound Chorus, one of the three choruses for which I was president/team leader.  I was honored to serve nine years on the Regional Management Team. In my other life I am a retired Elementary School Principal, active in Kiwanis and the Second City Chamber Series, an organization that presents classical chamber music concerts in Tacoma."




NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

We serve our members by providing leadership, education, and information. 

Our vision for Region 13
With strong leaders at all levels, we are a thriving, diverse, and inclusive region that builds a community of singers throughout the region and beyond. 

You can download the definition statement for our values here.

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