The "new and improved" North by Northwest Region 13 began on May 1, 2013 when eight choruses from the disbanded Mount 'n Shore Region 24 merged with us to become part of Region 13. Here are some fun facts about our wonderful region:
- Our region boasts 26 chapters, over 30 quartets, 5 judges, 1 certified arranger and more than 800 members.
- The chorus with the longest charter is A Cappella Joy, in Kirkland, WA (shown right, from 1953); and the youngest chorus is Song of Seattle, which chartered in 2016.
- Region 13 members Paula Davis (Song of Seattle), Carole Kirkpatrick Persinger (Pacific Sound; now deceased) and Zoe Thompson (Lakeside; now deceased) are past Sweet Adelines International Presidents. Janice McKenna is a current SAI Board Member, and we have had numerous other board and committee members at the International level, as well.
- We can claim four International Quartet Champions! The most recent is the 2017 Queens of Harmony, Frenzy. The Sea-Adelines (1962), Touche' (2013), and Speed of Sound (2015) also had Region 13 members singing in them. Two choruses--Lakeside (now A Cappella Joy) and Pacific Sound--have placed third at International, and are our highest-placing chapters on the contest stage. Additionally, Region 13 boasts six Harmony 500 directors and five Master Directors.
- With chapters in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, our Region covers over 800,000 square miles
- Record temperatures range from a low of -66° in Fairbanks, AK, home to our Fairbanks Chapter, to a high of 115° in Lewiston, ID, near our Inland Harmony Chapter.
- The highest point in our Region is Alaska's Mt. McKinley, at 20,320'...and the lowest is 0'/sea level, found at choruses near the Pacific Ocean in Oregon, Washington and Alaska.
- The biggest crops here are wheat, potatoes, apples and onions, and we're the home of Adidas, Alaska Airlines, Albertson, Amazon, Boeing, Coldwater Creek, Great Harvest Bread, Nike, and Starbucks!
- Seattle has the most people (3.5 million in the metropolitan area as of 2022); Genesee--home to our Inland Harmony Chapter--has the fewest with a population around 1000.
- We have lots of trees, lots of precipitation, lots of mountain ranges, and lots of fun!
Want to learn more about Region 13?
If you'd like to dig deeper into our region, here are some fun links!
- Learn about the history of Region 13
- Watch this fun "Travel in Tune" video we created in 2021
- Heart of the Northwest Award