Awards at Regional Convention

Novice Director Award

The Directors Coordinator presents a plaque during the convention weekend to the chorus director meeting the following criteria: 

  • A director/co-director directing a Sweet Adeline chorus in the International Division at the Region 13 competition  (whether or not they are a member of Sweet Adelines International) for the first time is eligible for the Novice Director award. Directors who have previously directed any chorus in an Open Division or for Evaluation Only and are now directing a chorus in an International Division performance are eligible for the Novice Director Award. 

  • Scores higher than any other Novice Directors.

  • The Directors Coordinator is responsible for calculating the information and for presenting the plaque during the convention weekend. 

Novice Quartet Award

The Novice Quartet award is presented during the convention weekend to a novice quartet that meets the following criteria:

  • Scores higher than any other quartet in the contest, with a minimum of 400 points having been achieved
  • No more than two (2) members of the quartet have previously competed at any Regional Competition 

Heart of the Northwest Award

The Heart of the Northwest Award is an award that is given out each year by the Regional Management Team to a member who exemplifies all that is a Sweet Adeline. The recipient of the award will be chosen by the Membership Coordinator and the last four award winners from the nominees sent in by the Region 13 Choruses. The winner will be announced by the Regional Membership Coordinator during the Kick-off at Regional Convention. All candidates along with the recipient will be posted on the regional website after contest. 

Open Division: Audience Choice and Bravo Awards
The recipients of the Audience Choice Award or the Bravo Award will receive a certificate and individual member ribbons.

  • When there is only one eligible* competitor in the Open Division, a Bravo Award  will be presented instead of the Audience Choice Award. There will be no audience voting for the Bravo Award.   
  • When there are at least two eligible* competitors in the Open Division, the Audience Choice award is presented to the competitor receiving  the highest vote count from audience members.   No criteria are established except the personal preference of the individual audience member. The voting will be done electronically for the 2024 Convention - to be open for 5 minutes following the performance of the final Open Division Competitor, after which voting will be closed.  Since voting is electronic, ballots will be made available to audience members through the webcast, the electronic program, the Order of Appearance fliers handed out at the door and on the posters available through the weekend.  The voting results will be reported to the Competition Coordinator immediately following the closure of voting.  

     * Choruses which have already qualified and have earned the right to compete in the current year’s international semifinals or Harmony Classic can perform in the Open Division, but they are not eligible for the Audience Choice or Bravo Award.

Starburst Award

The Region #13 Starburst Award is presented to the chorus achieving the greatest percentage increase in membership beginning Feb. 1 to January 31 of the following year. A $100 check from the RMT is presented to the winning chapter. Honorable mention certificates are presented to the two runners-up choruses. The Regional Membership Coordinator presents the awards during the Kick-off at the Regional Convention.






NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

We serve our members by providing leadership, education, and information. 

Our vision for Region 13
With strong leaders at all levels, we are a thriving, diverse, and inclusive region that builds a community of singers throughout the region and beyond. 

You can download the definition statement for our values here.

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