Michelle DeFreece's blog

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Just Sleep On It

August 30, 2016 - 9:48am -- Michelle DeFreece

How does that note go? What is the next phrase? Just when am I suppose to turn that diphthong? Learning new music can be a time consuming, and sometimes confusing process. Luckily for us, a team of French researchers have come up with a surprisingly easy rehearsal hack: Sleep on it.

Here is how it works:

  • Study new material (a new song) shortly before you go to sleep.

  • 12 hours later, review the new material.

For instance, if you usually hit the sack at 11PM, try your first study session at 9 PM. Go to bed, get a good night's sleep. Then, 12 hours later at 9 AM, go over the music again. That's it in a nut shell.

Michelle DeFreece's picture

I'm Pickin' Up Good Vibrations!

July 20, 2016 - 12:39pm -- Michelle DeFreece

 So, you want to sing, now what do you do? Well, let's see. 

    Listen to music to find what you like - check. 

    Find a chorus, choir, ensemble, quartet - check. 

    Get some music charts – check.

Okay, ready - set - sing! Hmmm. What else do you need? Oh ya, that's right - good vibrations! 

Music starts as vibrations that form in sound waves, enter your ear and are converted into 

electrical impulses that stimulate your brain. Not just with musical enjoyment, but with so 

many other beneficial things. Music affects more areas of your brain than any other function 

people perform! It can: 

          Improve your creativity, happiness and language skills.

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NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

The Region 13 Leadership Team's mission is:

North by Northwest Region 13 is a cutting-edge group of diverse singers performing and championing a cappella music.

We Value: Financial Stewardship, Effective Communication, Education, Culture of Belonging and Acceptance, Global Outreach, Innovation, and Personal Fulfillment

Download the definition statement for our Values here / sairegion13.org/sites/sairegion13.org/files/attachments/RMTvaluesstatment.pdf

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