Regional Leadership Team Information

Below is the Regional Leadership Team contact information for terms based on the May 1 through April 30 of each year. Nominations for RLT should should begin in October each year.

Sally Ryerson
Team Coordinator


Sue Middleton
Communications Coordinator


Paula Davis
Director Coordinator


Sandy Smith
Education Coordinator


Patty Martin
Events Coordinator



Jan Smallwood
Finance Coordinator




Cherie Letts
Marketing Coordinator


Sharon Stockstad
Membership Coordinator



RLT Bios

Sally Ryerson is our Team Coordinator. She has been a Sweet Adeline for 19 years and currently sings with the Olympia Chorus. She has participated on the Regional Leadership Team as an Associate Member and served as the Chair of the Regional Convention for 2018 and 2019. Sally describes her RLT role: “I oversee the efforts of the team as a whole as we work together to accomplish established goals, determine new ones, and explore ideas that support the growth of our region and our members.”

Sandy Smith is a 28-year Sweet Adeline, sings with Helena Xpress Singers, married 50 years to Dennis with two adult sons. She describes her role as our Communications Coordinator in these words: “My responsibilities include overall communications for Region 13, including, all internal communications between the region, chapters and individuals; eBlasts; InTune, and Social Media. I receive all RLT related information from Sweet Adelines International and distribute to the RLT. I also compile the annual State of the Region report, maintain records of RLT meetings, and the regional calendar of events.

Paula Davis, our Director Coordinator directs the Song of Seattle Chorus and sings with Touchstone Quartet. She is a past Sweet Adeline International President, a Certified Expression Judge, and part of Sweet Adelines International's Master Faculty. She has been a Sweet Adeline for 38 years. As Directors' Coordinator, Paula is the voice for our chorus directors and assistant directors, answering questions, helping solve problems, and making sure they have the resources they need.

Shelly Pardis is our Education Coordinator. She is an Director of the Helena Xpress Singers, and has been a Sweet Adeline for 25+ years. Shelly also comes with years of involvement at the regional level (Region 24) and International (Young Singers Foundation). Shelly wrote, “I am responsible for overseeing an awesome team that facilitates the education of our region’s choruses and membership.

Patty Martin, our Events Coordinator, is a member of the Olympia Chorus. She has been very involved in regional work for a good portion of her 50 years as a Sweet Adeline. Patty’s a ball of energy (physical and mental) on the team. She writes, "I continue to volunteer for this terrific organization as it provides me with education opportunities, friendships and joy.  I have a great Convention Team and you are going to enjoy our future Conventions/Contests!  

Jan Smallwood serves as our Finance Coordinator. Jan is an 11-year member of Sweet Adelines and sings with the Olympia Chorus and Hoopla Quartet. This is Jan’s first regional leadership role and she’s excited to be a member of the team. This is how she describes her role: “I am responsible to oversee all financial aspects of the region’s business, including invoices, bills, taxes, and budget. My job is to make sure we stay in the black!”

Cherie Letts is our Marketing Coordinator. Cherie joined Sweet Adelines in March of 2015 with the Spirit of Spokane Chorus and became a dual member of Coeur d'Alene Chorus in July 2017. She is also the bass in the Soul Sisters Quartet and a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society. She has held the positions of the Public Relations director with both choruses and has also served as Fundraising Chair for Spirit of Spokane Chorus. Cherie has co-chaired shows for Spirit of Spokane, was an Associate Specialist for SET 2019 and is the General Education Specialist for SET 2021. She also co-chaired the IdaGonSka virtual area school in 2020. Cherie is a certified paralegal, has served in the US Air Force and on the boards of the OKC Women's Chorus and The Women's chorus of Dallas.

Sharon Stockstad sings with Helena Xpress Singers, is a 37-year Sweet Adeline, and is serving Region 13 as our Membership Coordinator. Sharon explains her role: “In this position I keep in touch with all the choruses in our region through the Team Leaders/Presidents throughout the year with info on how to grow and retain our members along with news from the RLT and SAI. I lead the Presidents Forum where we discuss membership, fundraisers and any problems or questions that they have.I oversee the Heart of the Northwest presentation, gather all the longevity information in order to mail the letters and ribbons to women reaching our longevity milestones, and tally our chorus membership numbers for the Starburst Award. Lastly, during each year, I arrange for the RLT Chorus Visits.”


NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

The Region 13 Leadership Team's mission: North by Northwest Region 13 is a cutting-edge group of diverse singers performing and championing a cappella music. You can download the definition statement for our values here.

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