2020 Region 13 Convention

Celebrating 65 Years:
Region 13's 2020 VIRTUAL Convention!

Region 13 wasn't about to let a nasty little virus keep us down!

On April 23-25, Region 13 held an amazing Virtual Convention after Sweet Adelines International cancelled all regional conventions as a COVID-19 precaution. Events took place on Facebook and began on Thursday evening with our annual Kickoff, celebrating all that is amazing in North by Northwest Region 13! 

To "see" our virtual convention, you just need to visit facebook.com/Region13. (If you don't have a Facebook account, that's not a problem! Our Region 13 Facebook page is public so you'll still be able to see all the action without one, although you may not be able to read all the comments, depending on individual user's privacy settings.) Simply click a link below and scroll down the timeline to see each convention. Clicking on an "introduction" will bring up all the comments, photos, and videos that were made or uploaded for each quartet or chorus.

  • Region 13 Kickoff: Thursday, April 23 at 7:00 pm: youtu.be/ndzn38MD7kg
    Celebrating all the amazing things accomplished by NxNW Region 13 members this past year!
  • Quartet Contest: Friday, April 24 at 12:00 pm: facebook.com/Region13 
    "Watch" 34 (yup, 34!) quartets with Facebook photos and videos during our quartet virtual contest.
  • Region 13 PRESENTS...  Saturday, April 25 at 10:00 am: youtube.com/watch?v=_v2tQThCpNw&t
  • The second of our brief Saturday specials will feature Sue Beck, Region 13 Showmanship Judge, who gave a short presentation via Facebook Live on that all-important topic: alignment. 
  • Chorus Contest: Saturday, April 25 at 12:00 pm: facebook.com/Region13  
    Saturday brought our 22 choruses to the forefront! You can see each group's photo, as well as videos, comments, and more photographs from the chorus and their fans.
  • Afterglow! Saturday, April 25 at 7:00 pm: facebook.com/Region13
    A convention just isn't the same without an Afterglow! Every 15 minutes a new post appeared, with time for quartets and choruses to post their favorite videos, spots to chat with friends, and of course, we finished it off with a Tag Room.

Our 50-year Members

SANDY GREENLIEF: When someone asked this new Cedar Rapids, IA, resident with three children, “Does anybody here like to sing?,” the rest is history! Sandy sang for 10 years with Cedar Rhapsody which eventually competed in the first ever International Chorus Competition in Washington, DC, taking home a third-place medal; she also sang in the winning quartet, New Trends.

After moving to Salt Lake City, she joined Bountiful Chapter (later Mountain Jubilee), where she sang for 30 years. After a stint in Texas, Sandy moved to Port Angeles in 2012, where she then joined Grand Olympics Chorus. Sandy says, “It almost seems impossible that 50 years have gone by. I’m moving a little slower, but I’m game for another 50.”

DIANE HOLLIFIELD: The oldest of six sisters, Diane started harmonizing while washing dishes together. Later, in 1970, with four daughters of my own, she joined what is now Boise’s Capital City Sound Chorus. Diane says, “It was all so exciting and just what I needed as a busy mother. I also joined a quartet, and we sang for many events and chorus shows in our community.”

Capital City Sound is the only chorus Diane has belonged to, through name and director changes, and all its ups and downs. She says, “Sweet Adelines has given me many lifelong friends and has brought me both joy and sadness. The joy comes from singing with my friends, the sadness from when I lose my dear friends. Thank you for the past fifty years. I’m looking forward to the years to come.”

MARLENE LIENAU: In 1967, Marlene and her family moved to Missoula, MT for her husband’s job. Two years later, in church choir, the director asked if any of the women could hit a low B-flat; when Marlene arrived at church the next week, it was a done deal and she soon became a member of Five Valley Chorus.

Marlene’s 50 years in Sweet Adelines have held many memories, including 8 regional championships and subsequent International competitions. She’s also performed at Carnegie Hall with Five Valley! Marlene has been chorus Secretary, Vice President, President, and Marketing and Communications Manager. Marlene says, “The joy of learning and sharing the music with others, the lifelong friendships, the travel, and the places Sweet Adelines has taken me are immeasurable and I’m still learning. I’m hoping for much more to come.”

JAN McKEE: Jan was introduced to Jet Cities Chorus in 1970 by a friend she met in a music class in college. Knowing nothing about Sweet Adelines but hooked by the second rehearsal, she quickly learned several songs so she could sing on a show with them. Five months later, her friend introduced Jan to a cousin; soon after that they were engaged and in June of 2020, they will celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary!

Jan was on the Jet Cities Board for many years, as well as assisting on committees, projects, performances, and shows. Her oldest granddaughter, Alexia McKee, is a 7-year member of Jet Cities also; starting when she was 14. Jan says, “I have had my ups and downs while in Jet Cities, but for the most part it has been a wonderful journey. In the past 50 years there have been changes in local, regional, and international policies, but as a whole, Sweet Adelines just keeps getting better and better. I hope I can continue to be a part of it for several more years.” 


NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

We serve our members by providing leadership, education, and information. 

Our vision for Region 13
With strong leaders at all levels, we are a thriving, diverse, and inclusive region that builds a community of singers throughout the region and beyond. 

You can download the definition statement for our values here.

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