What we CAN do

Anonymous's picture
July 17, 2020 - 12:19pm -- Anonymous (not verified)

This webinar, co-sponsored by Barbershop Harmony Society, Chorus America, National Association of Teachers of Singing, American Choral Directors Association, and Performing Arts Medicine Association, focuses on examples of how singers and singing ensembles are producing their art now, and creating and maintaining community, as physical distancing guidelines continue to be in place. Leaders share promising projects and technologies that keep us connected and singing, with a goal towards sharing inspiration, vision, and creative, practical solutions for singers. More >>>

NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

The Region 13 Leadership Team's mission is:

North by Northwest Region 13 is a cutting-edge group of diverse singers performing and championing a cappella music.

We Value: Financial Stewardship, Effective Communication, Education, Culture of Belonging and Acceptance, Global Outreach, Innovation, and Personal Fulfillment

Download the definition statement for our Values here / sairegion13.org/sites/sairegion13.org/files/attachments/RMTvaluesstatment.pdf

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