Nancy Kurth's blog

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Proposed Regional Governance Change

May 3, 2016 - 8:39am -- Nancy Kurth

May 2, 2016


To Region 13 Members


RE: Regional Governance Change Proposal


You may be familiar with the Regional Governance Proposal made by the International Board of Directors.  If you are not, there is a great deal of information about this proposal on the International Website under the Members Only page, ”Regional Governance Proposal”.  As you can see from the information on this site a great deal of research and communication was involved with this proposal, including numerous webinars to answer any and all questions about this concept and the long term effects of the governance change.


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North by Northwest Region 13 is a cutting-edge group of diverse singers performing and championing a cappella music.

We Value: Financial Stewardship, Effective Communication, Education, Culture of Belonging and Acceptance, Global Outreach, Innovation, and Personal Fulfillment

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