Below is a note sent to all Sweet Adelines on September 14, 2017. It has an important message for all chapters and members.
September 14, 2017
Dear Sweet Adelines,
Over the past few weeks, North America has seen its share of destruction between the earthquake, hurricanes, wild fires and flooding. As Sweet Adelines, our first instinct is to help our sisters in harmony in their time of need. Headquarters has received many well-intentioned and heart-felt calls and emails about what can be done to raise money for our fellow members in need. Sweet Adelines - be it the headquarters office, chapters, regions, or choruses - are not able to hold or sponsor events that raise monies for individuals due to the organization's nonprofit status as designated with the United States' Internal Revenue Service.
As referenced on pages E-27 and E-28 of the Chapter Guide:
- Chapters or regions may not hold or sponsor events that raise monies for individuals. Several examples of inappropriate activities include fund-raising events for disaster relief such as hurricanes, fire or other acts of nature.
- There are provisions within the IRS code that allow restricted participation with, or donations to, other 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. The primary requirement is this participation may not exclusively benefit another organization or be ongoing.
- Any chapter, region, or quartet of Sweet Adelines International is permitted to make a donation from its general treasury from time to time to a properly qualified 501(c)(3) charitable organization such as the American Red Cross.
We love your heart and desire to help. In an effort to not jeopardize the organization's 501(c)(3) status, we encourage you to make a donation as an individual to a chorus dear to you or to a reputable disaster relief organization.