2024 Summer Enrichment Time

Glitter on the River...in Pasco!

*** Looking for class handouts? You can find them here. (Note: not all classes will have handouts.)

*** Online registration is now closed, however you can still register in person onsite in Pasco.

*** And if you've already registered but would like to participate in the Novice Quartet/VLQ Extravaganza, click here!

*** Did you miss the eBlast with all things SET? Have no fear, just click HERE to read it. (Please note: the most current schedule can be found below.)

SET 2024 will be held August 22-24, 2024 in Pasco, WA. All activities will be at the Pasco Red Lion Hotel (hotel details are below).

Meet our guest faculty member, Caitlin Castelino

Our outstanding guest faculty this summer is Caitlin Castelino, baritone of SAI International Champion Quartet, LoveNotes and director of the Diablo Vista Chorus, our current eighth place International chorus. Caitlin is a regional faculty member in Region 12, as well as a member of the Sweet Adelines International Faculty.

Caitlin started singing barbershop when she was only 11 years old, but was hooked from the start and knew right away she wanted to be in a quartet. In 2002 she began singing with UnderAge Quartet, who went on to win the Young Women in Harmony's Rising Star contest in 2005. In 2008, UnderAge changed their name to LoveNotes, and went on to win the Pacific Shores Region 12 contest in 2009. Four years later, they became Queens of Harmony; you can see their winning set here!

In 2012, Caitlin graduated with a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology, and she brings her knowledge of the vocal mechanism, healthy voice production, and voice therapy techniques to her classes and coaching sessions. When she’s not running around doing "all the things," Caitlin enjoys time with her husband, Peter, and their active toddler.

What's happening at SET?

Here are some of the things happening during this fun weekend:

Thursday starts off the weekend with PVIs and quartet coaching. That night also will be our Kickoff. If you can swing it, plan to arrive on Thursday.
Friday's schedule features our talented regional faculty, who will be heading up classes for members, quartets, directors, marketing, script writing...and lots more! AND, Caitlin will be our special Friday night presenter. BONUS! One of Caitlin's class
es that evening calls for a "demo" chorus to sing "It's a Good Day," which you can find here (you must be logged in to our Members Only site to access the song). More details in the registration form.
Saturday during the day is "all Caitlin, all the time!" By the time it's over, you'll wish you had more room in your brain to hold all that wonderful information.
Saturday's dinner is included with your registration fee! The exact menu is being finalized, but it's going to be tasty.

Saturday evening entertainment will include a Novice Quartet/VLQ Extravaganza! Start thinking about putting together a pop-up quartet or VLQ (Very Large Quartet) for this entertaining part of our weekend. Also on Saturday evening we will treated to fun performances by some of our choruses and quartets.
*  The It's In The Can Contest is returning! Linette Finstad, chair of that committee, will be sending information to all chorus Team Coordinators/Presidents soon.

For the current list of classes and descriptions, click here. For the SET schedule, click here.

Hotel reservations

Our hotel for the weekend is the Pasco Red Lion. Please note our room block is FULL. You can contact the hotel individually to see if they still have rooms available: 509-547-0701.

Questions? Contact Linette Finstad, our 2024 SET Chair

NxNW Region 13 Leadership Team Mission Statement

The Region 13 Leadership Team's mission is:

North by Northwest Region 13 is a cutting-edge group of diverse singers performing and championing a cappella music.

We Value: Financial Stewardship, Effective Communication, Education, Culture of Belonging and Acceptance, Global Outreach, Innovation, and Personal Fulfillment

Download the definition statement for our Values here / sairegion13.org/sites/sairegion13.org/files/attachments/RMTvaluesstatment.pdf

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